Nagarjun: Little Angami girl
Nagarjun: Venue of the most brutal battle of WW II
Nagarjun: The tennis court
Nagarjun: Kohima WW II Memorial
Nagarjun: Church at Kohima
Nagarjun: Kohima Cathedral
Nagarjun: Savino at her homestay in Kigwema
Nagarjun: Savino of Kigwema
Nagarjun: The urban sprawl of Kohima
Nagarjun: Terrace farms of Kiswema
Nagarjun: Hornbill festival venue
Nagarjun: Pretty church at Kisama
Nagarjun: Golden Naga man amidst rubble
Nagarjun: Angami woman at Arju stall
Nagarjun: Early cherry blossoms
Nagarjun: Assamese migrant weaves
Nagarjun: Street vendor