Nagarjun: Spotlit Eurasian spoonbill
Nagarjun: Walking Eurasian spoonbill
Nagarjun: Portrait of Eurasian spoonbill
Nagarjun: Eurasian spoonbill with moorhen
Nagarjun: Moorhen emerges
Nagarjun: Red-wattled lapwing
Nagarjun: Purple moorhen feeds
Nagarjun: Purple moorhen drips water
Nagarjun: Red-breasted flycatcher
Nagarjun: Unknown bird
Nagarjun: Purple moorhen dances
Nagarjun: Purple moorhen makes a move
Nagarjun: Doe-eyed nilgai
Nagarjun: Nilgai in the water, with his tail up
Nagarjun: Splashing male nilgai
Nagarjun: Silhoutte of male nilgai in water
Nagarjun: Silhoutte of female nilgai in water
Nagarjun: Wading female nilgai
Nagarjun: Male nilgai, big muscular beast
Nagarjun: Orange-headed thrush
Nagarjun: Bougainvillea
Nagarjun: Amorous parakeets
Nagarjun: Fat sunbird
Nagarjun: Sunbird with tongue out
Nagarjun: Sunbird devours spider
Nagarjun: Black drongo
Nagarjun: Spotted owlet
Nagarjun: Fat bird
Nagarjun: Brilliant blue thrust perched on branch
Nagarjun: Brilliant blue thrust with the look