Nagarjun: Giraffe with antelopes in the background
Nagarjun: Giraffe chews cud
Nagarjun: Maasai giraffe at the Maasai Mara
Nagarjun: Giraffe
Nagarjun: Just a giant cow
Nagarjun: A giraffe's coat
Nagarjun: Tall fella
Nagarjun: Maasai giraffe
Nagarjun: Giraffe with its head buried in the leaves
Nagarjun: Grey-crowned crane, national bird of Uganda
Nagarjun: A pair of grey-crowned cranes
Nagarjun: Antelope starts to move away
Nagarjun: Alert antelope
Nagarjun: Antelope
Nagarjun: Herbivores grazing
Nagarjun: Zebras, gazelles and antelopes graze on the African savannah
Nagarjun: The bearded ones
Nagarjun: Wildebeest grazing lazily
Nagarjun: Wildebeest grazing
Nagarjun: Gnus
Nagarjun: Buffalos amidst tall grass
Nagarjun: African buffalos graze
Nagarjun: Africa's fearsome African buffalo
Nagarjun: Buffalos with their heads down
Nagarjun: Buffalos graze near an acacia tree
Nagarjun: Eyes of the Thomson's gazelle
Nagarjun: Thomson's gazelle side on
Nagarjun: Alert Thomson's gazelle
Nagarjun: Female Thomson's gazelle sat and alert
Nagarjun: Females of the species