Nagarjun: Lab
Nagarjun: Done is better than perfect
Nagarjun: 3D printed things
Nagarjun: 3D printing's aesthetics keep improving all the time
Nagarjun: 3D-printing a PCB
Nagarjun: Built for collaboration
Nagarjun: Cafeteria
Nagarjun: Cute 3D-printed elephant
Nagarjun: Deliberately-raw decor
Nagarjun: Doing not talking
Nagarjun: Doodles and wireframes
Nagarjun: Explorers and Pioneers, not Caretakers
Nagarjun: Fancy a discussion?
Nagarjun: Hacking away
Nagarjun: Hackspace
Nagarjun: Internet-connected watches waiting to be picked up and played with
Nagarjun: Comfort zone
Nagarjun: Macho toys
Nagarjun: Maker week
Nagarjun: Meeting room or play pen?
Nagarjun: Radically open spaces
Nagarjun: Seeking inspiration from art - a replica of van Gogh's Sunflowers is on the right
Nagarjun: Auditorium
Nagarjun: Tech toys
Nagarjun: Unimaker
Nagarjun: Woman hacker plugs away
Nagarjun: Wise old man
Nagarjun: Art
Nagarjun: Smart watches
Nagarjun: Internet-connected healthcare device