Nagarjun: National museum in the distance
Nagarjun: Picture post card perfect
Nagarjun: A shack under a pine tree
Nagarjun: Lakeside
Nagarjun: The moutains at Paro reveal themselves
Nagarjun: Chamanthi: Marigold
Nagarjun: Purple
Nagarjun: Geraniums by a pond
Nagarjun: Purple genariums
Nagarjun: Enticing but inedible
Nagarjun: Pine cones
Nagarjun: Look better than they taste
Nagarjun: Emerging from a flower
Nagarjun: Fallen fruit
Nagarjun: Divine amorous couple
Nagarjun: His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk
Nagarjun: Zhabdrung Rinpoche, unifier of Bhutan
Nagarjun: Phallusses at a souvenir shop
Nagarjun: Nightfall at Paro
Nagarjun: Shining city upon the hill - Paro dzong
Nagarjun: A dog's life
Nagarjun: Faith takes strange forms
Nagarjun: The atoner of sins
Nagarjun: From mother to daughter during harvest season
Nagarjun: Indian influence in Bhutan
Nagarjun: Surely the most picturesque airport in the world
Nagarjun: Melting snow