Nagarjun: Great stupa of Sanchi (16m high, 37m dia)
Nagarjun: Stupa bathed in glorious sunshine
Nagarjun: Northern gateway
Nagarjun: Torana up-close
Nagarjun: Parambulating the great stupa
Nagarjun: Buddhist begging bowl
Nagarjun: Ashoka's lions
Nagarjun: Western gateway
Nagarjun: Torana as seen from inside the stupa
Nagarjun: Walking past the salabhanikas and elephants
Nagarjun: Torana at the northern gateway
Nagarjun: Panoramic view
Nagarjun: Salabjanjika - a mere touch from her can cause a tree to bear fruit
Nagarjun: Voluptuous salabjanjika
Nagarjun: Decapitated Buddha
Nagarjun: Headless Buddha
Nagarjun: Animals, trees and scenes from everyday life
Nagarjun: Multi-headed snake reminiscent of Anantha
Nagarjun: The palki carriers
Nagarjun: Bodhisattva represented by a bodhi tree
Nagarjun: Men on elephants and horses
Nagarjun: Praying to the Bodhi tree
Nagarjun: Four pot-bellied figures hold the Torana up: some are delighted; some are less so
Nagarjun: Intricately carved torana
Nagarjun: Elephentanine guards
Nagarjun: Inside the stupa
Nagarjun: Steps inside the stupa
Nagarjun: Buddhist monastery
Nagarjun: Ruined temple against the morning sun
Nagarjun: Feels Greco-Roman