Nagarjun: Spot-billed pelican lands
Nagarjun: Spot-billed pelican
Nagarjun: Family of spot-billed pelicans
Nagarjun: Lone guy
Nagarjun: Heron in flight
Nagarjun: A filmi moment
Nagarjun: Biodiversity
Nagarjun: Clearly they just had a tiff
Nagarjun: Spot-billed pelican in flight
Nagarjun: Threesome
Nagarjun: Extended family of pelicans
Nagarjun: A family of frumps
Nagarjun: Chick, mama, papa
Nagarjun: Admiring glance
Nagarjun: Spot-billed pelican glides in its natural habitat
Nagarjun: Profile of a spot-billed pelican
Nagarjun: Hawk at dusk
Nagarjun: Heron family
Nagarjun: Hawk about to pounce
Nagarjun: Spot-billed pelican hunts for fish
Nagarjun: Glider
Nagarjun: Sagar Sangamam
Nagarjun: Hawk landing
Nagarjun: A cousin of the last bird
Nagarjun: Each wrinkle tells a story
Nagarjun: Clearly she's ticking him off
Nagarjun: Slice of life in Pelican colony
Nagarjun: Boat-ride to see the Pelicans
Nagarjun: Their parents wouldn't let them marry
Nagarjun: The black sheep of the flock