Nagarjun: 12-foot Harihara
Nagarjun: Nataraja of 18 hands and 81 poses
Nagarjun: Dwarapala
Nagarjun: Detail
Nagarjun: Elephant and Lion
Nagarjun: Shiva and the Bony Bhringi
Nagarjun: Swastikas
Nagarjun: Matsyavatar
Nagarjun: As the Chalukya Court May Have Been
Nagarjun: Hasya Narasimha
Nagarjun: Varaha Avatar
Nagarjun: Thirthankaras
Nagarjun: Vishnu Seated on Adisesha
Nagarjun: Lord Indra and the Ashtavasus
Nagarjun: Vishnu as Trivikram
Nagarjun: Riddle in Stone
Nagarjun: Dwarfs in Judges' Wigs
Nagarjun: Beads in Stone
Nagarjun: Kubera Surrounded by Gandharvas
Nagarjun: Jain Temple