nadja.robot: Getting a lift
nadja.robot: Cute couple
nadja.robot: Barely a handful
nadja.robot: I was warned that she was crabby and might bite
nadja.robot: So tireds
nadja.robot: Little vest! Liiiiiitle puffy vessssst!
nadja.robot: Almost to the finish line
nadja.robot: Sleek puppy
nadja.robot: Crossing the lanes
nadja.robot: Looking bravely to the future
nadja.robot: And to the sky
nadja.robot: That last dog just didn't want to move
nadja.robot: Racing!
nadja.robot: End of the line
nadja.robot: Mad dash
nadja.robot: They're off
nadja.robot: Lots of loitering at the gate
nadja.robot: Dashing!
nadja.robot: Warm in the sun