theblackestwhite: This will be a distant memory...
theblackestwhite: RIP Walkman.
theblackestwhite: Sing me to sleep..
theblackestwhite: This hurricane's chasing us all underground.. [114:365]
theblackestwhite: Every time I think it's gonna be different.. [106:365]
theblackestwhite: Who I am hates who I've been. [103:365]
theblackestwhite: Tell me a secret.. [95:365]
theblackestwhite: There's beauty everywhere. [93:365]
theblackestwhite: You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. [80:365]
theblackestwhite: You are what you are. [16:365]
theblackestwhite: And the truth will set you free. [12:365]
theblackestwhite: In our dreams, we can be complete. [9:365]
theblackestwhite: Nothing would be the same without chocolate.
theblackestwhite: I've got a sweet tooth.
theblackestwhite: Takeout and Chinese.
theblackestwhite: ramadan mubarak!
theblackestwhite: molten lava cake