theblackestwhite: Hey, soul sister: you gave my life direction. [21:365]
theblackestwhite: Nothing would be the same without chocolate.
theblackestwhite: There's a party at the end of the world.
theblackestwhite: I've got a sweet tooth.
theblackestwhite: Let me take your hand and I'll bring you to safety. [33:365]
theblackestwhite: I iz tagged. [40:365]
theblackestwhite: Taste the rainbow. [47:365]
theblackestwhite: mmmm. [49:365]
theblackestwhite: Care for a cup of caffeine? [66:365]
theblackestwhite: You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. [80:365]
theblackestwhite: M&Ms. Again. [104:365]
theblackestwhite: Sing me to sleep..