normbuckley: Nav Cse Cover 23 FEB19
normbuckley: Team 3 with Instructor Neal
normbuckley: Map & compass exercise
normbuckley: Hilary instructing
normbuckley: Team 3 engaged
normbuckley: Jon making a point
normbuckley: Joel teaching
normbuckley: Students in Hall at Camp Edward
normbuckley: Triangulation
normbuckley: Diligent team 3
normbuckley: Don assisting Napalese group
normbuckley: Metal in totem deflecting compass needle
normbuckley: On Short Course to cone 5
normbuckley: Mossy forest
normbuckley: Ferns covered this year
normbuckley: Route up to Y waypoint
normbuckley: Down to J
normbuckley: Nearing Loper lane