normbuckley: Cover 03JUN17
normbuckley: Trailhead signs
normbuckley: Eight Mile Creek Trail
normbuckley: Moving rock
normbuckley: Amy getting work done
normbuckley: Rock placed
normbuckley: Positioning rock
normbuckley: Sam with rockbar
normbuckley: Section completed
normbuckley: Before - seperating trail from stream
normbuckley: Jason positioning rock
normbuckley: Alex chopping
normbuckley: Trail/drainage work done and moving up
normbuckley: Section needing work - before
normbuckley: Clearing drainage
normbuckley: DSCN8247
normbuckley: DSCN8248
normbuckley: Trail improved
normbuckley: Improved drainage & trail
normbuckley: Bruce - time to head down
normbuckley: Jason & Carol heading down
normbuckley: Jill collecting hard-hats after days work
normbuckley: Prizes given out after meal
normbuckley: Whitehorse fm outside rodeo dining hall