normbuckley: Cover 11NOV16
normbuckley: On trail 734
normbuckley: 1st Fall
normbuckley: 2nd Fall
normbuckley: Objective: 5' D tree 1.5 mi from TH
normbuckley: Debris above trail
normbuckley: Hikers meet workers
normbuckley: George improves trail above log
normbuckley: Arthur cleaning area for notch cut
normbuckley: Bridget cutting bark off
normbuckley: Don & Arthur cutting first notch for explosives, George above making 2nd notch
normbuckley: Chunking out the cut
normbuckley: George working on 2nd notch above
normbuckley: Temporary trail with flags
normbuckley: Hikers above going around
normbuckley: Putting in a wedge
normbuckley: ...and getting the wedge to stay in
normbuckley: Gwen clearing debris below trail
normbuckley: Bridget sharing her wisdom
normbuckley: Don single bucking with 7' saw
normbuckley: Gwen taking a turn
normbuckley: ,,,and Bridget showing us the best technique
normbuckley: Cutting through the split
normbuckley: Notch done
normbuckley: Cedar placed for future work
normbuckley: Gwen improving passage over log
normbuckley: Nice trail work by Bridget