N657EWJ: Strathclyde Volvo Citybus AH8
N657EWJ: Citybus model parts taped together
N657EWJ: Strathclyde volvo citybus parts
N657EWJ: Looks like ill need to cut the door to fit.
N657EWJ: first coat, next coat will be window frames painted in before more red applied
N657EWJ: G692PNS model
N657EWJ: Volvo Citybus model kit
N657EWJ: Strathclyde Buses Transfers
N657EWJ: volvo citybus kit
N657EWJ: Strathclyde Volvo Citybus Kit
N657EWJ: Strathclyde Volvo Citybus model
N657EWJ: F90JYS Volvo Citybus Model Kit
N657EWJ: Strathclyde Buses Volvo Citybus F90JYS
N657EWJ: citybus kit
N657EWJ: Strathclyde Volvo Citybus AH8
N657EWJ: AH8 another seat fitted
N657EWJ: Volvo CItybus AH8
N657EWJ: AH8
N657EWJ: AH8 an idea what it will be like when put together
N657EWJ: AH8
N657EWJ: AH8 dry run
N657EWJ: AH8