DISNOVATION.ORG: Deep Sustainability analysis: Human and non-human contributions (Gottlieb & Disnovation.org)
DISNOVATION.ORG: Emergy contributions to industrial civilization after H. Odum (Disnovation.org & Gottlieb)
DISNOVATION.ORG: Emergy contributions to conventional agriculture after H. Odum (Disnovation.org & Gottlieb)
DISNOVATION.ORG: Concatenated enegry flows towards financialization after K. Raworth (Disnovation.org & Gottlieb)
DISNOVATION.ORG: The contribution and capture of reproductive labour in contemporary industrial production after K. Raworth & S. Federici (Disnovation.org & Gottlieb)
DISNOVATION.ORG: Energy Slave Token patent description (Disnovation.org & Gottlieb)
DISNOVATION.ORG: Post growth patch from Neural #64 with speculative energy transition from fossil fuels without large-scale social upheaval after J.M. Jancovici & P. Cockshott (Disnovation.org & Gottlieb)
DISNOVATION.ORG: World Model Standard Run (i.e. the worst-case scenario, assuming that a 'business as usual' attitude was adopted, and there were no modifications of human behaviour in response to the warnings in the report). The Limits to Growth (1972)
DISNOVATION.ORG: Energy consumption distribution after J.M. Jancovici (Disnovation.org & Gottlieb)
DISNOVATION.ORG: Correlation of GDP and energy consumption after J.M. Jancovici (Disnovation.org & Gottlieb)
DISNOVATION.ORG: Has economic growth advanced human morale? after Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Disnovation.org & Gottlieb)
DISNOVATION.ORG: The 7th Generation Principle
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