N13L6: Giant ostrisch
N13L6: Lizzard
N13L6: Pontoonbridge and the embassy
N13L6: Colorful buildings
N13L6: Playa Kanoa
N13L6: Dragstrip
N13L6: The bridge is open
N13L6: Dad en son
N13L6: Meeting
N13L6: \m/
N13L6: Liz
N13L6: DaaiBird
N13L6: Jamaica
N13L6: Ostrich
N13L6: biggest
N13L6: Farewell...
N13L6: Truck & SUV
N13L6: Casa Grande
N13L6: Iguana
N13L6: Piggy
N13L6: Oh
N13L6: My new home
N13L6: On the top
N13L6: Get on top!
N13L6: Such a lonely boat...
N13L6: oh lovely tree
N13L6: Tough
N13L6: No one
N13L6: Cannons and Grenades
N13L6: Gross