n0t0ny0urnellie: Nowt some sticky back plastic can't cure!
n0t0ny0urnellie: Ye ole chest!
n0t0ny0urnellie: Basement of John Rylands
n0t0ny0urnellie: Books as far as the eye can see!
n0t0ny0urnellie: So many books... not enough space!
n0t0ny0urnellie: If books could talk....
n0t0ny0urnellie: Am wondering who this handsome chappy is left on the shelf...?
n0t0ny0urnellie: If only all libraries looked as magnificent as this one!
n0t0ny0urnellie: The backway in....
n0t0ny0urnellie: Making oneself @ home...
n0t0ny0urnellie: Seen better days....
n0t0ny0urnellie: Who lives in a house like this... if only!
n0t0ny0urnellie: So many books... so little time!
n0t0ny0urnellie: One of the passageways thru' the library!