n0rthw1nd: 1423
n0rthw1nd: 0913
n0rthw1nd: 0914
n0rthw1nd: 1367 battle
n0rthw1nd: young billy goat
n0rthw1nd: 0129
n0rthw1nd: Goat silhouetted against sunset
n0rthw1nd: 1608
n0rthw1nd: 1943
n0rthw1nd: goat portrait
n0rthw1nd: dialogue
n0rthw1nd: wait for me, I'm comiiing
n0rthw1nd: Our crazy doe sunbathing and trying to eat a rock
n0rthw1nd: itch
n0rthw1nd: Goat portrait
n0rthw1nd: Goat eating goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria)
n0rthw1nd: Tiuku the goat