New-York Historical Society:
1st Delaware, 12th New Jersey and 14th Connecticut at Stonewall, U.S.A.
New-York Historical Society:
Field telegraph station.
New-York Historical Society:
Intelligent contrabands at leisure, November, 1863.
New-York Historical Society:
A group of 'contrabands.'
New-York Historical Society:
A Negro family coming into the Union lines.
New-York Historical Society:
[Group of soldiers, woman, and child in front of log building with sign reading 'Union 17' hanging over doorway.]
New-York Historical Society:
[Soldiers of the 7th Regiment New York Militia outside tent.]
New-York Historical Society:
[Soldiers of the 7th Regiment New York State Militia.]
New-York Historical Society:
[Soldiers lounging around artillery emplacements.] [Stereograph]
New-York Historical Society:
[Officer and African-America man seated outside a camouflaged tent.]
New-York Historical Society:
[Man standing next to tree with post office and other wood frame buildings in the background.]
New-York Historical Society:
Camp life, Army of the Potomac. Basking in the sunshine.
New-York Historical Society:
Gymnastic field sports of the gallant 7th. A four story pile of men. [Stereograph]
New-York Historical Society:
Camp life, Army of the Potomac. News from home. [Stereograph]
New-York Historical Society:
Improvised dinner table in the field.
New-York Historical Society:
A Camp in a pleasant grove.
New-York Historical Society:
Camp dinner.
New-York Historical Society:
The Way they cook dinner in camp.
New-York Historical Society:
Tent life of the 31st Pennsylvania regiment.
New-York Historical Society:
A Group of soldiers of the 31st Pennsylvania Regiment.
New-York Historical Society:
Capt. Bollerman's kitchen. Tasting the soup. [Stereograph]
New-York Historical Society:
View from the breastworks outside Fort Burnham, late Rebel Fort Harrison. Rebel pickets in the woods; a rebel fort in the middle distance. [Stereograph]
New-York Historical Society:
[Tents of Camp Winfield Scott in the distance.]
New-York Historical Society:
[Soldiers caring for horses at camp.]
New-York Historical Society:
[Covered wagons and horses on a hill side with tents in the far background, Camp Winfield Scott, Va.]
New-York Historical Society:
Commissary department, headquarters Army Potomac, April, 1864.
New-York Historical Society:
Winter quarters of telegraphic and photographic departments, attached to headquarters Army Potomac, April, 1864.
New-York Historical Society:
Rear view of winter quarters of telegraphic and photographic departments, attached to headquarters Army Potomac, April, '64.
New-York Historical Society:
Headquarters Army of the Potomac, eastern half of camp, April, '64.
New-York Historical Society:
Camp of the 114th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment, April, 1864.