n-photoshare: kissmobile
n-photoshare: Kenneth's bathroom sink
n-photoshare: Kenneth's Fence
n-photoshare: Espresso and Short Bread on Desk Pad.
n-photoshare: [Adult Swim] themed window
n-photoshare: kanji practice
n-photoshare: Espresso, toast with jam and saussage
n-photoshare: Shelf by Tim Dashnaw
n-photoshare: HK subwoofer
n-photoshare: Kalbi/karaoke Japanese language group/Soju drinkers group
n-photoshare: Kalbi/karaoke Japanese language group/Soju drinkers group
n-photoshare: Unfortunate stuffed bear suicide.
n-photoshare: Monkeys!
n-photoshare: 70659892485_3300_1.jpg
n-photoshare: 70696667653_3300_1.jpg
n-photoshare: PPG members @ the Skylark
n-photoshare: Jerry's brain
n-photoshare: other desk
n-photoshare: 70903288709_3300_1.jpg
n-photoshare: 70903419013_3300_1.jpg
n-photoshare: My Workspace
n-photoshare: Sushi at Pennang
n-photoshare: Me, drunk
n-photoshare: the oriental theater
n-photoshare: Cowboy hats in Chicago