Nanni1972: The sacred rabbit and the hand.
Nanni1972: Cloth park, Ueno
Nanni1972: A bench in the Ueno Park, Tokyo.
Nanni1972: Tokyo
Nanni1972: Space invader in the mirror
Nanni1972: Singers and the manager.
Nanni1972: Apprendiste pop star (versione itinerante)
Nanni1972: warrior
Nanni1972: Wedding
Nanni1972: Puppet army
Nanni1972: The puppet and Antonella
Nanni1972: In strada
Nanni1972: LOST IN JAPAN OTTOBRE 2009 018
Nanni1972: temple, Tokyo
Nanni1972: temple, Tokyo
Nanni1972: LOST IN JAPAN OTTOBRE 2009*
Nanni1972: My strange kind of woman
Nanni1972: LOST IN JAPAN OTTOBRE 2009*
Nanni1972: Hiroshima (the bomb dome)
Nanni1972: Ride a bike in Hiroshima
Nanni1972: LOST IN JAPAN OTTOBRE 2009*
Nanni1972: The big temple compound of Kyoto