AllieMark: At the Big Brother Mouse offices, getting ready to go
AllieMark: Allie checking out some of the books that will be given to the local school kids
AllieMark: En route to the school
AllieMark: The school's principal arrives to ferry us across the Mekong to the school
AllieMark: Allie & supplies crossing the Mekong
AllieMark: A local woman harvesting cicadas - the bamboo pole has flypaper to which the bugs stick
AllieMark: The rest of our crew arrives
AllieMark: Hand-carrying supplies from the river to the school
AllieMark: Wat Muahgkhammangkalaram
AllieMark: A typical home in town
AllieMark: Walking through town to the school - despite minimal material possessions, many homes have satellite TV
AllieMark: We arrive at the school - L’ecole Primaire Mouangkham
AllieMark: The kids line up for our presentation
AllieMark: Listening to introductions
AllieMark: Let, a Big Brother Mouse instructor, draws images for the kids to follow
AllieMark: In our first classroom, the kids draw from images on the board
AllieMark: Drawing intently
AllieMark: Singing
AllieMark: More singing
AllieMark: Learning a new song
AllieMark: Playing a game - pop the balloon
AllieMark: Allie and her teammate getting ready to play
AllieMark: Snaking our way back into the school
AllieMark: Kids enjoying juice and a snack
AllieMark: Raising the Lao flag
AllieMark: Reading one of the new books to the class
AllieMark: Students listening to the story intently
AllieMark: Students preparing to pick out their own book
AllieMark: Girls deciding which book they want as their own
AllieMark: In unison, the girls decide which book they want