mywright: DSCF0018
mywright: DSCF0019
mywright: DSCF0020
mywright: 10 04 13_2669
mywright: 10 04 13_2671
mywright: 10 04 13_2673
mywright: makara beach
mywright: beach
mywright: sourthern point
mywright: northern point
mywright: to the north
mywright: up the hill
mywright: farm track
mywright: fishing2
mywright: north side batchs
mywright: fishing
mywright: batch town
mywright: batchesfurther round to the north
mywright: batches
mywright: looking south
mywright: looking north
mywright: south
mywright: west
mywright: north 2
mywright: north
mywright: winch 2
mywright: winch
mywright: signs
mywright: skylark 3
mywright: gate way