mystroh: DSCF8450
mystroh: DSCF8451
mystroh: Jewish Museum, Emmendingen (former Mikwe)
mystroh: Emmendingen Synagogue
mystroh: DSCF8454
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mystroh: DSCF8471
mystroh: DSCF8472
mystroh: DSCF8473
mystroh: DSCF8474 Emmendinger Gemeinderat 1914, v.1. Hugo Gunzburger
mystroh: First page of the list of Emmendingen's deported Jewish citizens.
mystroh: DSCF8476 Landkreis Emmendingen & Freiburg (page 13)
mystroh: DSCF8477 Landkreis Freiburg & Breisach (page 20)
mystroh: DSCF8478 Last page of Breisach names (page 21)
mystroh: DSCF8479