my stification:
sweeping the snow away
my stification:
desire froze here
my stification:
a place in the dirt
my stification:
my stification:
I think that I would die
my stification:
il conte verde
my stification:
Io non guardo il tramonto sentendo le voci
my stification:
penso solo che Dio ha un bell'impianto luci
my stification:
non sono in analisi ma al limite è fortuna
my stification:
non mi devo inventare una vita ne ho già una
my stification:
O - alphabet project
my stification:
la moustache
my stification:
my stification:
sphere origin
my stification:
my stification:
C - alphabet project
my stification:
down to hell
my stification:
sin city
my stification:
my stification:
postcards from the edge
my stification:
from hell