mysticchildz: The 11th Doctor from the premiere episode with Amy Pond
mysticchildz: The 11th Doctor
mysticchildz: The 10th Doctor
mysticchildz: ChipShop's Doctor Who sweets
mysticchildz: The 11th Doctor
mysticchildz: The 11th Doctor
mysticchildz: The Time Travel Wheel
mysticchildz: Doctor Who Cocktails
mysticchildz: Prizes!
mysticchildz: ChipShop serves delicious goods
mysticchildz: Bell House crowd
mysticchildz: "OMG, Matt Smith actually said the word 'Brooklyn'!"
mysticchildz: The Costume Finalists: the 5th Doctor, the 10th Doctor, Dalek, and Weeping Angel
mysticchildz: The 5th Doctor
mysticchildz: The winner: The Weeping Angel
mysticchildz: Stephanie Acevedo performed some Doctor Who-specific stand-up, which is a thing
mysticchildz: Bow tie cupcake and Tardis cookie
mysticchildz: Dalek impersonation
mysticchildz: Vincent van Gogh
mysticchildz: The winners of the impersonation contest: Dalek kills Captain Jack, who comes back to life.
mysticchildz: Amy Pond, other Doctor Who character whose name we forgot, and Vincent van Gogh, which totally makes sense in context
mysticchildz: Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist, gave a lecture on time travel that not only mentioned Doctor Who but Back to the Future as well
mysticchildz: Michael Austin, one of the two Secret Formula NY hosts, dressed as the Doctor, He can wear the same hat next week when he hosts an Aladdin sing-along
mysticchildz: The Trivia Contest's Lightning Round
mysticchildz: Jeremy Pollet, one of the two Secret Formula NY hosts, dressed as Roman Centurion Rory
mysticchildz: The 10th Doctor and Rose mingle