mystic22: yellow peril
mystic22: Mating flys
mystic22: I wish and so said my wife
mystic22: I spy with my beady eye
mystic22: Mallard snoozing
mystic22: Dipper LOL
mystic22: Cant a sheep get some privacy
mystic22: Framed
mystic22: City fan
mystic22: Mummy I think the hairdresser put a bit too much blue in your rinse today
mystic22: Looking like a chop anytime soon
mystic22: Knighthoods are even for the sheep these Days
mystic22: Cuddly sheep
mystic22: IMG_0343c
mystic22: IMG_0236
mystic22: Four legged glue factory
mystic22: Curlew in flight
mystic22: White Beauty wondering what all the fuss is about
mystic22: A waddle in the woods in Bacup Park
mystic22: Duck patrol
mystic22: Meanest duck in Bacup Park
mystic22: Sometimes this what I feel like banging my head against
mystic22: Undercarriage
mystic22: Jack Sparrow
mystic22: Cluck Jagger
mystic22: Cluck cluck
mystic22: Ewe above Malham
mystic22: Every sheep has its day
mystic22: Pergrine at Malham cove
mystic22: Peregine considering what to kill for lunch