Mysha Islam:
A kiss is something you cannot give without taking and cannot take without giving.
Mysha Islam:
miRRoR miRRoR on the wall, whoz da fairst among all ??
Mysha Islam:
i am a make-up JunkiEE
Mysha Islam:
You don't have to brush your teeth, just the ones u want to keep!
Mysha Islam:
mY new Tiny Teensy Tortoises...seaching 2 names for them :)
Mysha Islam:
Friendship in the most unlikely place...
Mysha Islam:
octopus Prediction,parrot Prediction...noW its time for BUNNY PREDICTION...LOL!
Mysha Islam:
I can Sleep anywhere...
Mysha Islam:
mY tongue is PINK!
Mysha Islam:
pLayfyL Una
Mysha Islam: