Myrwin: Mature bald eagle
Myrwin: The whole fam damily (bald eagles)
Myrwin: Juvenile bald eagle
Myrwin: Seagull silhouette
Myrwin: Seagull Squabble
Myrwin: A Murder of Crows
Myrwin: Corvids on arbutus (madrone)
Myrwin: Crows deux
Myrwin: Mooncrow
Myrwin: Full moon, almost
Myrwin: Snow Crows
Myrwin: Opportunist
Myrwin: Rufous1
Myrwin: Testing the wind
Myrwin: Great blue tree heron
Myrwin: Romance on the dock
Myrwin: Rock Dove Diptych
Myrwin: Blue Raven Moon
Myrwin: female rufous hummingbird on crocosmia