MyRaaX 麻辣酱: iKitty (Cord Roll)
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Friday Night~ Have A Nice Weekend :)
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Enjoy when you can and endure when you must. -- Johann Wolfgang Goethe
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Baby Teeth~ Of Course, Snowy's :P
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Kitty Rock
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Shenandoah Caverns 仙人洞
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Tranquility
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Waiting for sunset
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Queen Of The Night - Epiphyllum oxypetalim
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Taste Of The Day
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Fly Up High
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Knowing what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. --- Elbert Hubbard
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Sunset, You And Me
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Another Sunset Night
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: 日落紅霞飛滿天
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: 日落 在暴風雨前
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Sunset 10-10-2012
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Sunset 10-10-2012
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Sunday Sunset
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Heavy Cloud 烏雲壓頂
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Morning New York City!
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Kite surfer
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Saturday Beach
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself ." -- Josh Billings
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Old Field 2013 Horse Show
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Young Rider And Winner of Horse Show
MyRaaX 麻辣酱: Equestrianism