My Photography Life..: On the way to Tel Camp from Gujjar Hut..
My Photography Life..: On the way to Tel Camp from Gujjar Hut..
My Photography Life..: Glacier below Mt.Jaonli
My Photography Life..: Two Piton climbing..
My Photography Life..: On way to DKD Camp 1 from ABC..
My Photography Life..: On way to DKD Camp 1 from ABC..
My Photography Life..: DKD Camp 1 @ about 4900m
My Photography Life..: Bad weather always looks worse through a window. -Tom Lehre
My Photography Life..: We build statues out of snow, and weep to see them melt. -Walter Scott
My Photography Life..: Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. -John Ruskin
My Photography Life..: DKD2 Advance Base camp..
My Photography Life..: DKD2 Advance Base camp..
My Photography Life..: DKD2 Advance Base camp..
My Photography Life..: Mt.DKD - 2 and Mt.Jaonli, viewed from basecamp..
My Photography Life..: ABC with DKD-2 in the background..
My Photography Life..: View of Basecamp from ABC
My Photography Life..: Conversation over soup..
My Photography Life..: High altitude Phone Booth..Our only point of contact with outside world..
My Photography Life..: Everytime I see this image I feel that its a B/W image..but its not..
My Photography Life..: Gujjar hut camp site..
My Photography Life..: On the way to Khera Tal..
My Photography Life..: “Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” -Henry Rollins
My Photography Life..: "I'd rather be in a tent than in a house." -Mary Leakey
My Photography Life..: "The way to Heaven is ascending; we must be content to travel uphill, though it be hard and tiresome, and contrary to the natural bias of our flesh." -Jonathan Edwards
My Photography Life..: DKD Advance Base camp..
My Photography Life..: On the way to Mt.Bhagirathi 2, Camp 1..
My Photography Life..: Mt.Bhagirathi 2, Camp 1..Mt.Bhagirathi at the back..
My Photography Life..: I can just see The Mighty Lord Shiva and the Crescent Moon..
My Photography Life..: Mt.Shivling and "Shark Fin" Mt.Meru..