M.R.I: what she said
M.R.I: Three wise men contemplating the weather
M.R.I: untitled for now
M.R.I: stride
M.R.I: untitled for now
M.R.I: untitled with blue-faced bear
M.R.I: man and dog
M.R.I: john
M.R.I: untitled
M.R.I: fishboy
M.R.I: hold on
M.R.I: face
M.R.I: pinkface
M.R.I: painting in progress
M.R.I: The amazing adventures of Mr. Know-it-all
M.R.I: painting in progress
M.R.I: there she goes - detail (work in progress)
M.R.I: Of course you realize - this means war!
M.R.I: whale
M.R.I: Rea - work in progress
M.R.I: lost in translation ;)
M.R.I: Suburban Whale
M.R.I: untitled painting
M.R.I: Rea
M.R.I: Over-the-rainbow