Steve Mynett: Down the stairs for the final time
Steve Mynett: The Jazz Cellar on the day it closed
Steve Mynett: Been through those doors many many times
Steve Mynett: Margaret Gallagher from CBC introducing the final night.
Steve Mynett: Cory Weeds leading off the last night with his final introduction
Steve Mynett: Cory Weeds leading off the last night with his final band introduction
Steve Mynett: Mike Allen and Darren Radtke
Steve Mynett: Mike Allen with Adam Thomas
Steve Mynett: Mike Allen taking in the rest of the band
Steve Mynett: Hugh Fraser
Steve Mynett: Mike Allen
Steve Mynett: Cory Weeds
Steve Mynett: Miles Black
Steve Mynett: Olliver Gannon checking out what Miles Black is laying down...
Steve Mynett: Cutting off the tune...
Steve Mynett: Olly Gannon after a duo piece with Miles Black
Steve Mynett: Jennifer Scott
Steve Mynett: Cory Weeds
Steve Mynett: Adam Thomas
Steve Mynett: Chris Davis
Steve Mynett: Chris Davis between Mike Allen's sax and the mic stand
Steve Mynett: Percussion duty
Steve Mynett: "What's next?"
Steve Mynett: "Thank you very much" - Hugh Fraser, Jenn Scott, Cory, Chris Davis et al
Steve Mynett: Thanks all around...
Steve Mynett: Parting words turing the standing ovation after the conclusion of the final tune...
Steve Mynett: Daren and Olly kicking off the jam session with Rene on bass. (and the shadow of Dave Robbins on drums)
Steve Mynett: Hugh Fraser
Steve Mynett: Olly Gannon with Daren Radtke in the foreground
Steve Mynett: Rene Worst