taffyamy: Raw ingredients
taffyamy: Putting flour in
taffyamy: Rub rub rub
taffyamy: Rubbing in
taffyamy: Mixing the egg in
taffyamy: Wrapped in clingfilm
taffyamy: Rolling out the pastry
taffyamy: Putting the pastry in the cases
taffyamy: Rolling out
taffyamy: Cutting out
taffyamy: Hmmm. That doesn't look right
taffyamy: Empty cases
taffyamy: We're jamming
taffyamy: In goes the filling
taffyamy: Going into the oven
taffyamy: Out of the oven
taffyamy: Before icing
taffyamy: Finished bakewells
taffyamy: Cakes