My Little Monkey: Enough for tonight. Sometimes I have a crooked smile. We humans are one in the same at different levels of vibration is all.
My Little Monkey: #multiversity #1440multiversity winter time will be pretty too. #evolve
My Little Monkey: There's your self portrait. The real deal you said you saw. #gifts #intuition #healers #openess #fear #fearlessness #judgement #forgiveness #trust #present #future #ipaynomindtothosewhoselfinflict,but I have compassion #love #learnalways
My Little Monkey: Ever evolving campus. Beautiful to watch so many great things unfold before our eyes. #1440multiversity
My Little Monkey: Oh boy. 1440 here we come. The adventure continues... #adventure #hwy1440 #Jwaymadethatup #technology fordays #"ithinkweshoulddoacenteringbeforethismeeting" #longhashtagsrock
My Little Monkey: Before we meditate and all that jazz.
My Little Monkey: Integrity Walked in with a Smile knowing that all reveals itself in good time. #integrity #strength #authenticity#alwayslookatyourintentions
My Little Monkey: Ronan and Jess. Snugglebears.
My Little Monkey: West cliff Breather.
My Little Monkey: A Not so Pebble Beach Food & Wine weekend. No cars, no crowds, no traffic, no noise.
My Little Monkey: 1440 Multiversity photoshoot. The redwoods are officially my 2nd home. #1440multiversity #photoshoot #constructionwonderland
My Little Monkey: Hi Boss! Que quieres Puerto Rico? Yo no tengo nada. ; )
My Little Monkey: Ridin' along in my automobile. Endorphin rush after rock climbing. Girlzzzz.
My Little Monkey: Layered melodies and himalayan salts equal relaxation. But, what about walking out into a field of complete silence hearing only the breeze moving through the grass and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. #mindbodyconnection#seeingwithallsenses#
My Little Monkey: Growing up in soledad staring out at these fields. #soledad, #greenfield, #kingcity, #bestfriend, #Gabe,#mom, #iknowyouarearound#xoxo#ilovenature
My Little Monkey: Nothing but love for these two grounded, hard-working, warm, beautiful peeps.
My Little Monkey: Don't look at me furmonkey, I can't get you out of this one. The adventures of Sofia and Summer expanding their musical horizons.
My Little Monkey: In the words of Matthew McConaughey, "Alright, Alright, Al right!" The Best of issue of the Monterey County Weekly 2017. Proud to have worked with all of you! #refuge, #cvac, #krml, #gardenerranch, #silence, #hydrotherapy, # : )
My Little Monkey: I knew about the silence in my gut, the numbness in my heart that trails up to my throat, the dreams that warn me. I don't depend on them anymore to see the truth. I've learned to trust.
My Little Monkey: Manifest light and warmth. The study of space and intention to a space.
My Little Monkey: A nurse named Izzy. A nurse named Stephanie. Jocelyn,a Refuge connoisseur. The guy she called God. E.R. my initials. The smiles and hugs. "And, I think to myself, What a wonderful world." ~Louis Armstrong~ #canela, #e.r. #pain, #sleep, #appreciate, #
My Little Monkey: The yin and yang of flowers and sunshine. #flowers&sunshinepreferred, #cigarettes, #liquor, #yinyang, #juxtaposition, #judgements, #franksinatra, #deanmartin, #johnnydepp, #jazz, #beatpoet, #allenginsberg
My Little Monkey: Soy mocha with whip cream. Don't look at me like I'm an idiot Barista Bully. Judge me and I'll ask for exta hot with a specific temperature. : )
My Little Monkey: "Your ass is grass and I'm going to mow it." ~Tina Belcher~ #jazzercize, #buffed #halloween #Bob'burgers #tinabelcher #nerdalert #there's an apparition behind my head #Liana's costume#buffalosoldier#whenlifegives youlemonsmake lemonade#hashtagmybutt#yeah
My Little Monkey: "I'm not a buffalo. I'm a viking." Liana at work in the office. #viking #halloween #halloweencostume #seal doing yoga over her head #refuge #refugecarmel
My Little Monkey: Sleeplessness #insomnia #nature #sky #loss #heaven #earth #life #reality #silence #listen
My Little Monkey: Let it all unveil. It all unveils itself in good time. Truth cannot be pushed, but it always shows up at just the right time. Integrity and intentions are like a night light, soft and unobtrusive with just enough light allowing us to see. #karma, #truth
My Little Monkey: Nuggets. My nieces and nephew's ride their dirt bikes when they get out of school. Love it!! Holy monkey, no cell phones.