Robin playing with dollies: Charlie caught in the act
Robin playing with dollies: Charleston Stinky Pants
Robin playing with dollies: Hetty and Barbara
Robin playing with dollies: violet and christmas
Robin playing with dollies: ooh thank you nom nom nom
Robin playing with dollies: Look out! It's Henzilla!!
Robin playing with dollies: Charlie spam this time lol (grainy phone pic :/ )
Robin playing with dollies: Dexter - Lurcher x GSD (x collie in there somewhere too! LOL)
Robin playing with dollies: Newest member of our family
Robin playing with dollies: Shhhh don't wake Charlie, he may notice a puppy on his back...
Robin playing with dollies: I can't believe how big he is getting...
Robin playing with dollies: Dexter and his "Bang you're dead!" trick :)
Robin playing with dollies: My what a long nose you have!
Robin playing with dollies: Dexter has had a long night