.myke: Out of body experience
.myke: DSC_1435
.myke: DSC_1436
.myke: Claudio's
.myke: I could watch people (try to) park their boats all day.
.myke: DSC_1440
.myke: That has to be the smallest car ferry ever.
.myke: Bye bye Greenport
.myke: Everybody wave
.myke: Catch anything?
.myke: Here he comes, he comes Speed racer . . .
.myke: Cruising at 10kts
.myke: Plum gut shoreline
.myke: I am a tortured puppy
.myke: Oh this sucks so much, please stop
.myke: Proper ferry, out of Mystic I think
.myke: Daddy and puppy
.myke: I'm going to eat you
.myke: if I can only get my mouth open wide enough
.myke: Almost there . . .
.myke: DSC_1470
.myke: :)
.myke: oh here it comes
.myke: sluuurrrrrrp
.myke: yes I was licking my ass before
.myke: do you want me to do it again?
.myke: okay, here we go
.myke: give us a kiss
.myke: was it something I said?
.myke: Cappy for a day