myhsu: Zibibbo
myhsu: Grill
myhsu: Grill
myhsu: Oyster
myhsu: Bar
myhsu: Yen-yu and Daniel
myhsu: Qing, Shenhong, Haitao
myhsu: Tony, Josephine, Irene
myhsu: Josephine, Irene, BC
myhsu: ZIBIBBO
myhsu: Shrimp
myhsu: ZiBIBBO
myhsu: Chicken
myhsu: Salmon
myhsu: Rib-eye steak
myhsu: Steak
myhsu: Kai, Sam, Tony
myhsu: GCT
myhsu: Oyster
myhsu: 神秘嘉賓突然出現在現場
myhsu: 神秘嘉賓真面目
myhsu: Josephine and Yvonne
myhsu: Birthday flowers
myhsu: Happy Birthday to Yvonne
myhsu: Cheers!
myhsu: Yvonne 許的是什麼願望呢?
myhsu: 切蛋糕囉
myhsu: Small talk
myhsu: Taking picture
myhsu: Watching video from Sales team