myguerrilla: A few more things to take care of. #pillpile #normalbedtime #elavil #amitriptyline #multivitamin #fishoil #azo #mediscape #birthcontrol #externalharddrive #silverspace
myguerrilla: #goodnightmoon #pinkgradient #elavil #bedtime #antidepressant #amitriptyline #levelsoftired
myguerrilla: Lost landscapes. #nightstand #latergram #mediscape #elavil #amitriptyline #antidepressant
myguerrilla: So many days ran together and I can't believe it is already Sunday. #mediscape #cloudyhead #tired #everythingandnothing #toopersonal
myguerrilla: Unbalanced brain. On and off Elavil for the last 6 days. #sparkle #bedtime #mediscape #antidepressant #elavil #amitriptyline #multivitamin #fishoil #cattoy #love #oneweek
myguerrilla: Aggressive Adderall - 9pm nap. #leftoverstring #bodyclock #gradschoolnaps #adderall #sparklethread #mediscape
myguerrilla: #naptime #sparkleonthecouch #elavil #antidepressant #amitriptyline #8to1sleep
myguerrilla: NAPTIME! #elavil #antidepressant #mediscape #naptime #gradschool
myguerrilla: Antidepressant induced naps and a cat that is much less forgiving. #elavil #amitriptyline #phobi #mediscape #watchingmadmen
myguerrilla: Awkward conversations.
myguerrilla: Half-Moon kind of evening. #bluelove #timemanagement #adderall #mediscape #asneeded #gradschool
myguerrilla: We can't predict, but we can love. #time #memory #feelings #mediscape
myguerrilla: Trader Joe's Salt & Vinegar Chips.
myguerrilla: Too bright. Too late. #12amdinner #bitemarks #pillswithfood #arrows #mediscape #elavil #amitriptyline #birthcontrol #multivitamin #azo #food #watchingmadmen
myguerrilla: Hide & Seek. #withfeelings #withoutemotions #facade #antidepressant #elavil #amitriptyline #multivitamin #azo #mediscape #pillpeaks #medication #bedtime
myguerrilla: Two scoops away. #fear #insomnia #fights #avoidance
myguerrilla: Slept through space. #earlybird #latergram #mediscape #bedtime #elavil #multivitamin #fishoil #birthcontrol #amitriptyline #azo #silverreflection #space #fluid
myguerrilla: Your notes are good notes.
myguerrilla: Sitting not sleeping. #insomnia #pillsparkles #antidepressant #mediscape #itsnotalwaysaboutthepills #fishoil #legcramps #numbfingers #multivitamin #elavil #amitriptyline #azo #birthcontrol #myfeelings #notimportant
myguerrilla: Endless forgiveness.
myguerrilla: I hope she's happy. #fivetimes #toomany #medication #weedrumwater #madmen #absolutelyrelaxed #elavil #amitriptyline #birthcontrol #multivitamin #azo fishoil #antidepressan #mediscape blow away
myguerrilla: can function better in life and in relationships with other #TaoLin #CognitiveBehavioralTherapy #poetry #thisbookisfallingapart #depression #wordsthatmake #speakup #medication #fishoil #elavil #azo #birthcontrol #multivitamin #findingmyvoice #throughemail
myguerrilla: You can't see everything. #youcantfeeleverything #fishoil #multivitamin #washedout #mediscape #thethingsyoucantsee #elavil #amitriptyline #birthcontrol #azo #bigwhitepillbottle #lightbounce #notpeaceful #anxiety #bedtime #restless #watchingmadmen
myguerrilla: Streaker. #lostincolor #naps #watchingtheoffice #marieclaire #april2014 #page223 #spendingtheafternooninbed #pillsonpaper #klonopin #mediscape
myguerrilla: Klonopin, I don't believe you. #sirenanxiety #tornadoanxiety #severeweatheranxiety #anxiety #klonopin #bangs #mediscape #bluetips
myguerrilla: Bedbugs #pillcrawl #bedtime #yeah #ugh
myguerrilla: No new notes. #migraines #tired #toomuchtodo #watchingtheoffice #cheese #carrots #crackers #bedtime #meds #antidepressant #elavil #amitriptyline #mediscape #multivitamin #azo #birthcontrol #fishoil #onelineaday #feelsempty
myguerrilla: The pharmacy. #plasticbag #plasticfeelings #tiredbody #antidepressant #elavil #sleepbetter #amitriptyline #mediscape #multivitamin #fishoil #birthcontrol #azo #aboutfiveweeks #somuchaboutthetime #longing
myguerrilla: Not very sleepy.
myguerrilla: Bedtime rave. #leftoverglow #glowsticks #afterglow #pillsonlight #bedtime #tiredlegs #rainboweffect #elavil #amitriptyline #multivitamin #fishoil #azo #pills #thelongandshort