myguerrilla: It's dark at 12:06pm but I still see you over there. You're sleeping and your cat is sleeping on top of you. All I hear is a low purr and a sound machine/white noise air purifier. #soundsimgoingtomiss #
myguerrilla: In the folds of my shirt #fightamp #fightamptee #adderall #catpaws #10mg #furry #sundaymorning
myguerrilla: Got your blankets... Got your pillows... #bedhogs #shippo #phobi
myguerrilla: Good evening Shippo. #iloveyou #shippo #catstretch
myguerrilla: #bmpillslegs #blackmilk #saturdaynightoutfit #pillleggings #selfportrait
myguerrilla: Whatever is going on across the street from @mohawkaustin is pretty hilarious! #dudeslatenightmetaldancing #windowwatching #metalshowcreepin
myguerrilla: Kylesa
myguerrilla: Kylesa
myguerrilla: #bloodceremony
myguerrilla: Last night was intense #2hourpanicattack #tachycardia #cathuntsroach #roachinthebedroom
myguerrilla: The best part of Saturday mornings!... #lapcat #quiethouse #houseguests #phobi #chrissfriend #posthorribleroachpanicattacklastnight #coffeeandabook
myguerrilla: From one side to another, I will be there waiting; like pill rings. #fridaynight #mediscape #elavil #amitriptyline #antidepressant #pillring #medicationjewelry #pills #longing #stress #bedtime #selfportrait #latergram
myguerrilla: Dollface #shippo #qualitycattime
myguerrilla: Medical Shadows #mediscape #selfportrait #elavil #amitriptyline #multivitamin #diyducttapeplantarremoval #justweird #spaceage #shine #medical
myguerrilla: Already moist eyes ... #gonnablameitonthespicycurry #theoffice #theofficeseriesfinale
myguerrilla: Cat babe #madmaxposter #watchingCOD #cat #shippo
myguerrilla: "You and your goddamed robots" #readingbeforework #thursdaymorning #630am #relationships #fragility #text #paper #lydianetzer #shineshineshine #autism #goddamedrobots #trustandlove
myguerrilla: All of my thoughts are with those people in Granbury and Hood County. From the map it appears this was close to Camp El Tesoro... #granbury #tornado #hoodcounty #thoughts #screengrab #thinkingaboutcamp #thinkingaboutgranbury
myguerrilla: Console #control #revive #mediscape #elavil #amitriptyline #fear #multivitamin #itsthesmallthings #ialreadymissthem #anxiety
myguerrilla: cat love #chrisandphobi #plaidshirt
myguerrilla: Doll. #shippo #wednesdaynight #totalcatbabe
myguerrilla: Shine Shine Shine by Lydia Netzer #shineshineshine #lydianetzer #wednesdayreading #textscape #pagegrab #writing #relationshipsandspacetravel #love #robots
myguerrilla: #waitingonthelastrepairstomycar #reading #shineshineshine
myguerrilla: Glitz, Prada & the rap music. #lastnight #datenight #spectacle #thegreatgatsby #lovetheglitz
myguerrilla: The great beast. #phobi #cattime
myguerrilla: #tursdaymorning #poolside
myguerrilla: I'm loving how gorgeous it is before 7am. #selfportrait #sidetrackedbyreflectionsinthepool #650am #workday #tomsshoes #listless
myguerrilla: Tail like a fox #foxtail #shippo #tooearlytobeadorable
myguerrilla: Comforts of the familiar #plaidshirt #elavil #amitriptyline #multivitamin #mediscape #doesntstrikefear #boundariesoflove #stripes #redlaundry #he
myguerrilla: The best kind of dinner #biscuitsandgravy #eggs #cheapcooking #mondaynight #watchingtv #thexfiles