MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Lake George - Measuring Exclosure and Running String
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Installing the Exclosure
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Installing Crossfence to Divide Exclsoure in Half
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Lake George Fence Going Up
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Tub of Eelgrass Plants
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Harvesting Eelgrass Plants to Install in Silver Glen and Lake George
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Harvesting Eelgrass for Silver Glen
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Silver Glen Before Installing Exclosure
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: First Posts Being Installed in Silver Glen
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Silver Glen County Line Sign
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Installing Posts and PVC in Silver Glen
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Installing Exclosure Fencing in Silver Glen
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Finished Fence in Silver Glen
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Eelgrass Being Installed in Silver Glen
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Silver Glen Shoreline Fenced and Ready to be Planted
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Silver Glen Exclosure
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Silver Glen Ready for Plants
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Silver Glen Fencing Tied Into USFS Shoreline
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Underwater Shot of Large Exclsoure on Lake George
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Protecting Fence 2
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Protecting Fence 1
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Lake George Fence Party 3_23_22
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Half of 500 x 100 Lake George Exclosure
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: FWC Team Who Installed Fencing on 500 x 100 Exclosure
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Turtles eating eelgrass
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Removed Cage and Exposed Eelgrass Planted in April 2021
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Eelgrass Planted in April 2021 Protected by Underwater Cage; Silver Glen
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: Eelgrass Being Prepared for Planting in Silver Glen
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife: FWC Contractors Planting Eelgrass in Silver Glen Enclosure