My Fresh Trend: Love me as long as I love you
My Fresh Trend: Time flies, but you are the pilot
My Fresh Trend: We do not remember days, we remember moments
My Fresh Trend: Nobody can succeed on their own
My Fresh Trend: Man dies of cold, not of darkness
My Fresh Trend: It's the little things that count, hundreds of 'em
My Fresh Trend: It is acceptable to have no eyeliner, but mascara is a must
My Fresh Trend: The only disability in life is a bad attitude F
My Fresh Trend: What do you think
My Fresh Trend: You can't go wrong with fish and chips
My Fresh Trend: If the ride is more fly, then you must buy
My Fresh Trend: Taking a break can lead to breakthroughs
My Fresh Trend: The day that I died was also the day I started to live
My Fresh Trend: Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us