MyFirstMic: A - An Apple a day...
MyFirstMic: B - the Board...
MyFirstMic: C - C.R.E.A.M
MyFirstMic: D - the Dock...
MyFirstMic: E - defined Elegance
MyFirstMic: F - straight Forward...
MyFirstMic: G - the Game...
MyFirstMic: H - blow your Horn...
MyFirstMic: I - colorfully Illuminated...
MyFirstMic: J - the Juxtaposed lenses
MyFirstMic: K - hello Kitty...
MyFirstMic: L - Laughter @ heart...
MyFirstMic: M - the Metro stop
MyFirstMic: N - simple Night in dc
MyFirstMic: O - One single drink
MyFirstMic: P - Public Display of Affection (PDA)
MyFirstMic: Q - a Quiet read..
MyFirstMic: R - cranberry Red
MyFirstMic: S - music from the Soul
MyFirstMic: T - sculpture of Tranquility
MyFirstMic: U - an Underexposure of sorts
MyFirstMic: V - ol' school Vinyl..
MyFirstMic: W - still Waiting
MyFirstMic: X - mac os X
MyFirstMic: Y - photos from Yesteryears
MyFirstMic: Z - elements of Zen