myfear: Explore Update
myfear: talking 'bout my girl[s]
myfear: endless
myfear: Illusion
myfear: silent water
myfear: cross the sea
myfear: wet hands
myfear: playing hands
myfear: the great 60 :)
myfear: five
myfear: si·lence
myfear: It's never too late
myfear: sixteen
myfear: too far
myfear: b l u e and w h i t e
myfear: getting old
myfear: a good dream
myfear: blue
myfear: sea and sky
myfear: sundown
myfear: Artists can color the sky
myfear: depend on your eyes
myfear: The truth
myfear: I don't know
myfear: words
myfear: com·mu·ni·ca·tion
myfear: one thing
myfear: let's play
myfear: artists can color the sky red
myfear: mistaken for a dawn