mdd {stephanie lynn}: rememberwhen
mdd {stephanie lynn}: this logo was a whole year in the making
mdd {stephanie lynn}: PRE-MADE IDENTITY COLLECTION --for sale!
mdd {stephanie lynn}: PRE-MADE IDENTITY COLLECTION --for sale!!
mdd {stephanie lynn}: amanda... more collateral!
mdd {stephanie lynn}: amanda's new biz card
mdd {stephanie lynn}: the amazing Liz Leighton...
mdd {stephanie lynn}: sweetwhisperslogo
mdd {stephanie lynn}: sweetwhispersBCback
mdd {stephanie lynn}: sweetwhispersBCfront
mdd {stephanie lynn}: nomoweedsBCsample
mdd {stephanie lynn}: a fantasy-inspired logo
mdd {stephanie lynn}: i usually don't offer this many options... i just got a little carried away here...LOL
mdd {stephanie lynn}: bloglogo132BCback
mdd {stephanie lynn}: bloglogo132BB
mdd {stephanie lynn}: bloglogo132BCfrontopt2
mdd {stephanie lynn}: bloglogo132BCfront
mdd {stephanie lynn}: bloglogo129LH
mdd {stephanie lynn}: bloglogo129BCback
mdd {stephanie lynn}: bloglogo129BCfront