Don6201: 咁大風,吹到人地個頭亂晒.....
Don6201: Wanna sleep
Don6201: What are you looking at?
Don6201: Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don6201: LingLing
Don6201: 她在想甚麼?
Don6201: 她不開心?
Don6201: SAD
Don6201: 成日霸鬼住個廁所...
Don6201: 你不給我吃,你以為我不懂自己用手嗎!?差少少就拎到啦!
Don6201: 正呀,我最鐘意ge花生呀~~~
Don6201: 咦~ 無人喎~ 正!!
Don6201: 大鑊!老豆返左黎tim...
Don6201: 咁大膽偷野食!去露台罰企!
Don6201: 等我
Don6201: A lion under table
Don6201: Lingling
Don6201: Eyes of thousand words
Don6201: Hide and seek
Don6201: Ahh...!?!?
Don6201: At home
Don6201: Dreaming something to eat
Don6201: 老豆