Mydimons: Pepper "turkeying"
Mydimons: Chicken in pepper's spot
Mydimons: Whats up there?
Mydimons: Looking fierce
Mydimons: Hello There!
Mydimons: Hiding under the covers
Mydimons: Pepper staring into the distance
Mydimons: such a cute model
Mydimons: By the fire
Mydimons: Chicken close-up
Mydimons: B&W Cat Silhouette
Mydimons: chin schrachies
Mydimons: CHICKEN
Mydimons: chicken
Mydimons: staring cat
Mydimons: chicken staring somewhere
Mydimons: blue cat
Mydimons: such a tidy cat
Mydimons: portrait of chicken
Mydimons: perked ears (2)
Mydimons: cat portrait
Mydimons: big eyes
Mydimons: perked ears
Mydimons: cat tree with pepper in the back
Mydimons: he's judging you silently
Mydimons: contemplating life
Mydimons: his little paws awwwwwwwwwwww
Mydimons: cool B&W