my_cottage: Sushi Umi – Entrance (more)
my_cottage: Tenbi Junmai Ginjo (天美 純米吟醸酒 火入れ)
my_cottage: Brown rice with caviar (玄米とオリジナルキャビア) (more)
my_cottage: Grilled manganji pepper from Kyoto (万願寺とうがらし焼き)
my_cottage: Monkfish liver (あん肝)
my_cottage: Hokkaido botan shrimp marinated in soy sauce (北海道牡丹海老エビ醤油漬け)
my_cottage: Kohada (小肌)
my_cottage: Kinmedai (金目鯛)
my_cottage: Chef Seiichi Shimamoto (島本誠一) (more)
my_cottage: Nodoguro (のどぐろ) (more)
my_cottage: Bonito grilled over straw (鰹 藁焼き)
my_cottage: Chef Seiichi Shimamoto (島本誠一)
my_cottage: Bigfin reef squid (アオリイカ)
my_cottage: Aji (鯵) (more)
my_cottage: Chef Seiichi Shimamoto (島本誠一)
my_cottage: Shako (蝦蛄)
my_cottage: Grilled tachiuo (太刀魚)
my_cottage: Akami (鮪 赤身漬け) (more)
my_cottage: Chutoro (中トロ)
my_cottage: Otoro (大トロ)
my_cottage: Conger eel chawanmushi (穴子の茶碗蒸し)
my_cottage: Hokkaido bafun uni (馬糞雲丹)
my_cottage: Kuruma Ebi (車海老) (more)
my_cottage: Anago (穴子) and miso soup
my_cottage: Toro takumaki (とろたく巻)
my_cottage: Tamago (玉子)
my_cottage: Japanese crown melon (クラウンメロン) (more)