Mycophagia: orange mushrooms (unidentified)
Mycophagia: Mycena (i think)
Mycophagia: Yellow-Stemmed Mycena (Mycena epipterygia)
Mycophagia: Trametes pubescens
Mycophagia: bolete/ in moss
Mycophagia: bolete/ in moss
Mycophagia: bolete in moss
Mycophagia: Yellow-Stemmed Mycena (Mycena epipterygia)
Mycophagia: Wolf's Milk or Toothpaste Slime (Lycogala epidendrum) aging process
Mycophagia: Russula emetica
Mycophagia: double Russula emetica
Mycophagia: unidentified mushroom
Mycophagia: unidentified
Mycophagia: Amanita growing in base of a tree
Mycophagia: Chicken of the Woods (Laetiporu sulphureus) & Hen of the Woods (Grifola frondosa)
Mycophagia: Chicken of the Woods (Laetiporu sulphureus) & Hen of the Woods (Grifola frondosa)
Mycophagia: young Hygrocybe? Witches Hat?
Mycophagia: unidentified
Mycophagia: unidentified
Mycophagia: unidentified
Mycophagia: Hygrocybe?
Mycophagia: unidentified
Mycophagia: unidentified
Mycophagia: Clitocybe gibba (?)
Mycophagia: Red-gilled Cort (Cortinarius semisanguineus)
Mycophagia: Amanita button
Mycophagia: Viscid Violet Cort (Cortinarius iodes)
Mycophagia: large amanita/ unknown
Mycophagia: Amanita - partial veil separating/ annulus forming
Mycophagia: Dead Man's Fingers (?)